First: THE SCARECROW by Michael Connelly, read by Peter Giles
If you aren't familiar with Michael Connelly, then you are in for a rare treat ~ an introduction into the world of Jack McEvoy (The Poet and this, The Scarecrow, his latest) by one of the best and most prolific mystery writers around today. Other mystery series by Connelly feature Harry Bosch (starting with Black Echo) and Mickey Haller (The Lincoln Lawyer & The Brass Verdict). I've read every one of his novels, as well as his non-fiction look at his experiences as a crime reporter, and cannot speak highly enough of him and his books.
Forced out of the Los Angeles Times amid the latest budget cuts, newspaperman Jack McEvoy decides to go out with a bang, using his final days at the paper to write the definitive murder story of his career. He focuses on Alonzo Winslow, a 16-year-old drug dealer in jail after confessing to a brutal murder. But as he delves into the story, Jack realizes that Winslow's so-called confession is bogus. Jack is soon running with his biggest story since The Poet made his career years ago. He is tracking a killer who operates completely below police radar--and with perfect knowledge of any move against him. Including Jack's.
To learn more, visit Michael Connelly’s website or become a fan on Facebook.
Second: CEMETERY DANCE by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child, read by Rene Auberjonois
I may be the last reader of mystery/thrillers on the planet who has not yet had the pleasure of reading Preston & Child. That will soon be remedied when I listen to the audiobook of Cemetery Dance.
Pendergast-the world's most enigmatic FBI Special Agent-returns to New York City to investigate a murderous cult..
William Smithback, a New York Times reporter, and his wife Nora Kelly, a Museum of Natural History archaeologist, are brutally attacked in their apartment on Manhattan's Upper West Side. As Pendergast and Lieutenant Vincent D'Agosta undertake their own private-and decidedly unorthodox-quest for the truth. Their serpentine journey takes them to an enclave of Manhattan they never imagined could exist: a secretive, reclusive cult of Obeah and vodou which no outsiders have ever survived
For more info, visit Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child’s website.
Both giveaways are open to residents of the U.S. and Canada with a street address to provide. Leave a comment letting me know which audiobook giveaway you are interested in entering. An extra entry (for the same or the alternate audiobook) will be yours if you also indicate what your all-time absolute favorite mystery/thriller is. Be sure to provide a way for me to contact you if your name is drawn. Contest ends at midnight on June 21, and a random drawing will be held on June 22.
These looks great! Please enter me for either!
Dean Koontz's Lightning is my all time favorite. Awesome!!!
Hi, Kitten ~ Believe it or not, I've never read any of Koontz's novels! I'm adding "Lightning" to my TBR list. Thanks for the reccie and for entering!
I love Michael Connolly but have not read anything by Preston. This could be fun -- you know how I love storytellers and books on tape are the ultimate. Thanks, tall bird. All the best, irishteacup
Oh, man. Good thing I'm not entering; I'd want them both. (and in print.)
I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail, Mary. I've got these posted at Both Win a Book sites for you -- remember, we switch to the new one on June 1!
Yay, IrishTeaCup! It worked! Your name is officially in the drawing. :)
These Look like good reads, please enter me into this drawing for The Scarecrow.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
I'm a longtime fan of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Listening to audiobooks while doing housework and laundry is my favorite way to multitask. The lastest good mystery I've read is "The Devlin Diary" by Christi Phillips.It combines two of my favorite genres, mystery and historical.
Hi, all ~ thanks for commenting!
Traymona ~ I love historical mysteries too & will be sure to check out The Devlin Diary.
Enter me for Scarecrow please!
My favorite mystery is The Party Room series.
Please enter me for Michael Connolly's book please
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
And for my second entry - this time for Preston's book, my absolute favorite mystery is Giotto's Hand by Iain Pears.
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
Wow lucky you to have access to both of these great reads...I'm so torn as to which to pick...yet because I adore Michael and I am drooling to read his latest, I have to go with Scarecrow!
Thanks so much,
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
Okay the last thriller/mystery I read that made me want to read the lights on when I went to bed.....seriously(!!)....was "The Family Bones" by Kimberly Raiser....great read and it is her first book! Put me down for C. Dance, please since this is my second entry and thank goodness you provided us with a way to enter for both of these great audios!!!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
Hmmm, this is a hard choice. I've never read either author. But based on the summaries, I'm going to pick The Scarecrow.
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
Wow! Some great new mystery/thrillers to check out. Thanks! And keep them coming, please! (Like I need to add to the already towering TBR pile haha.) :)
Wow, I'd like both those books! They're both on my wish list. =)
Please enter me for the Scarecrow.
lindanmc (at) hotmail.com
Hmm... I'd say the latest one that I've enjoyed was The Overlook by Michael Connelly.
Please enter me for Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child's audiobook. =)
lindanmc (at) hotmail.com
Hi, I would like to try to win also. Thanks.
gahome2mom at gmail dot com
i would be thrilled with either one as for an all time favorite it is more an author i love ann rule as she writes true crime so any of her books thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'd really enjoy winning the Cemetery Dance audiobook please :)
Please enter me-thanks
chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
And here is my #2 entry for either audio book please :)
And my all-time thus far favorite mystery book has got to be Preston & Child's FIRST book - RELIC!
(for anyone who has not read the works of either Preston & Child alone or as a team - you don't know what you're missing!!!) Check them out at your local library asap
Oh, I have to choose do I :-) They both look good...eenie, meenie,..let's say the Cemetery Dance
I'm a big fan of Ian Rankin's Inspector Rebus (Hanging Garden was very good)
cabadov at hotmail dot com
I'd love to be entered for Scarecrow
My fave mystery thriller is the Alex Cross series by james patterson
msboatgal at aol.com
I'd prefer the Scarecrow, but I'm interested in both.
No absolute favorite, but I like the Jack Reacher books by Lee Child the best for a series.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
Hi, everyone. Just thought I'd clarify that all who comment AND tell me their favorite mystery/thriller novel, author, or series is eligible for an extra entry.
If you don't specify that you want both entries to be used for the same book, I'm going to enter you for both books.
Let me know if there are any questions.
Thanks for entering, and good luck to you all!
I would like to enter the Scarecrow giveaway. Thank you.
I like Stephen King's The Stand. It was a great read.
Please enter me for either for The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly!
I would love "The Scarecrow" Thanks
please count me in..looks good mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
ooooooooh please enter me for Cemetary Dance, I would love this to finish my collection.
All time favorite so far would be 10 little indians by agatha Christie or the Magic Circle by Katerine Neville.
Please enter me for The Scarecrow.h
13rubberducks [at] gmail [dot] com
please enter me for The Scarecrow thanks
I'd love to win "Cemetery Dance".
My all-time favorite is "The Mist" by Stephen King.
Please enter me for "The Scarecrow" - Thanks!
Cemetery Dance looks awesome. Thanks for the chance
Please put my name in the hat for the Preston!
My favorite mystery of all time is Wilkie Collins's Moonstone.
My favortie thriller is Lee Child's The Enemy
I would love to have cemetery dance. It sounds great!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
I'd really love both of these, but I guess if I have to choose I'll enter for Cemetary Dance.
My all-time favorite mystery/thriller is John Saul's The Blackstone Chronicles. It's a series of novellas that combine into one creepy story. Please use my extra entry in The Scarecrow drawing.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Please enter me for Michael Connolly's The Scarecrow.
Currently love Jo Nesbo's Nemesis..
Thanks for the chance! My favourite suspence books are the "prey" series by John Sandford. But I've really loved everything I've read of Michael Connelly's and I'd love a chance at "Scarecrow" as well. Thanks again!
Love to have either one.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm Old School I like Agatha Christie
My favorite mystery was a recent reading of The Devlin Diary - author-Christi Phillips
Would love Cemetery Dance!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
Hard choice, but I would like THE CEMETERY DANCE. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to win either one! Thanks!
I am currently reading Angels and Dmeons and find it quite good. I would be interested in Cemetary Dance if chosen.
I rarely enter these giveaways, but your Michael Connolly giveaway really caught my eye. I would love to win The Scarecrow.
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